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  • 问题补充: 适合20岁的人吗
  • ViolaThe name Viola is a baby girl name.VIOLA 是一个 女孩子名字。 Latin Meaning: The name Viola is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Viola is: Flower. 在拉丁语中, VIOL 的意思是 鲜花American Meaning: The name Viola is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Viola is: Flower.美国语也是鲜花Swedish Meaning: The name Viola is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Viola is: Twelfth Night, also called What You Will Sister of Sebastian.瑞典语是 月光。 English Meaning: The name Viola is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Viola is: Violet.英语中是 紫罗兰。 Viola is a very popular first name for women and also a very popular surname or last name for all people VIOLA 是一个非常流行的女性名字。 (无论是当做姓 还是 名 ) 这里还有张图标, 但是我没法贴给你, 是国外的,2010年报告统计。 这个名字的有增长的趋势。VIOLA和 FIONA 感觉差不多。FIONA用的人比较多。 我觉得VIOLA 很不错啊。 但是记得这个名字发音 是 V 不是 W 就是 V 发音, 下唇要放到嘴巴里发音, 不是发 为什么的为 , 不然老外听不懂。 不信你下次找个老外 问问他 VICKY 你发 为的 音。 肯定是错的 ?

